NR 98%.

Nicotinamide riboside.

What is NR?

Nicotinamide riboside (NR) was first described in 1944 as a growth factor, termed Factor V, for Haemophilus influenza, a bacterium that lives in and depends on blood.

Factor V, purified from blood, was shown to exist in three forms: NAD+, NMN and NR. NR was the compound that led to the most rapid growth of this bacterium

Cow's milk is an excellent source of Nicotinamide riboside.


How does NR work?

In recent years, nicotinamide riboside has been of great interest due to its ability to increase the levels of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+) more than any other NAD+ precursor.

During numerous animal and human studies, it was discovered that NR had multiple health benefits, particularly in the treatment several pathophysiological conditions, as well as cardiovascular, neurodegenerative and metabolic disorders.

Consequently, NR has emerged as an attractive therapeutic for diseases in which treatment involves increasing NAD+ levels; additionally, it has uses as a nutritional supplement.


How to use NR?

Purity over 98%.

Recommended daily dose up to 1 gram.

Temperature stable but we recommend to keep refrigerated.

If you need to store it for a longer period of time, place it in the freezer.

Free 0,5 ml measuring spoon included. Products have different densities and therefore the spoon holds different weights depending on the product.The spoon holds 0,4g NR and is dishwasher safe.

Jars: 10g, 20g and 30g.